Friday, December 5, 2008

In the morning

dirty dogs riding the road
clouds of dirt kicked up in
resistance to all things good and lovely

A red streak rides through the clouds
and dark blood lightening soaks the air
Heaven splits and proves it ain't there
Heaves out forgotten remnants of ourselves

"Why are you here?" she asks

I change time
slow it down and down and down
I move so slow I disappear from everything
watching eternal foot step
falling paper
drip of coffee
extended baby cry
a tear begins

I wear my coffin everyday
Fits fine
reminds me what I'm racing for
Dug my grave, back in the day
know what I'm racing for

In the distance, I can see the zombies
around 7am
as I finish the last bit of whiskey
and remind myself of the meaning of everything

A little closer, i can see the zombies
they come eat my brain in advertisements
car commercials
real estate investments
celebrity gossip
dead fucking dead fuckers

I want to shoot them all in the head
like the movies
run and board myself into that house with the last few survivors

but there's no bullets for these fuckers
all logic and reason wouldn't stop them
it's just a race, and my coffin fits fine
join the line
I look damn fine undead

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